My Little Gourry/Lina Coupling Shrine!
Run by the older Inverse gals, Kioko and Luna.
Kioko>> Hey! Kioko Inverse here, the younger of Lina's two older sisters. Yeah, two. Luna's the oldest. This here is a shrine dedicated to the idea of coupling my little sis and that hunky swordsman friend of hers, Gourry Gabriev. ~_^
Luna>> I'm Luna Inverse. Oh, and just get on with it, Kioko. I don't have all day, you know.
Kioko>> >P Don't get so uptight, Luna! Okay... so far, we have pictures (wow) of the Gourry/Lina coupling, and an explaination on why Asia-Jo likes the couple. I seriously suggest you read it, or she shall be very angry! Enjoy!!
Caring Embrace
Luna>> Gourry holds Lina in a loving embrace.
Keepin' it Cute
Kioko>>Gourry draws his sword, with one arm around Lina!
Gourry Saves the Day Again...
Kioko>> Lina looks a bit shocked, ne?
Luna>> You IDIOT! Just KISS her!!
Saving the Day
Kioko>> Gourry saves a battered and torn Lina from somethin' or other.
Just A Hug?
Luna>> Just a hug? Methinx not!
Kioko>> Lina bein' cute, with Gourry in the background.
The Kiss
Luna>> Yeesh! It's about time those two kissed!
Lina and Gourry
Kioko>> ^_^() I honestly wonder how he puts up with her...
Lina and the Toys
Luna>> *sigh* Lina and her plushy fetish...
Protective Boyfriend
Kioko>> Awwwwwww... Idn't that sweeeeeeeeet?
Shoulder Seat
Luna>> Lina, perched on Gourry's shoulder!
Terrific Threesome!
Kioko>> The kawaii couple in the front, with that weird guy Zelgadis in the back.
The Plushy Caper
Luna>> Yet again with the plushy fetish!!
Little Date!
Kioko>> THIS IS IT! Gourry and Lina's DATE!!
Spells and Swords
Luna>> Though their weapons are different, their hearts feel the same...
Kioko>> Lina and Gourry in front of a beautiful sunset...
In the Moonlight...
Luna>> Gourry holds Lina close under the moonlight.

Run back!